• If we're racing on Superspeedways with catch fencing, I fear we're just playing the odds until we have something protecting our heads. It’s a scary thing to say.

    Ryan Hunter-Reay on canopies, Racer Magazine, 15 September 2014

  • I have learned more in one week here than I did in my entire Formula One career.

    Jean Alesi, Bump Day, Indy 2012

  • We're all back to square zero!

    James Hinchcliffe on the start of a new season, Trackside, March 18th 2014

  • I don't want to take a defeatist attitude here but it's going to be ugly. If IndyCar goes the domed skid route, we're going to be taking a knife to a gunfight.

    Sam Schmidt on Chevy's advantage with domed skids, Racer.com, April 7th 2016

  • Winning is always a great feeling, but winning at your home track, a place that you grew up at and a place that helped you fall in love with the sport of IndyCar racing... this is priceless.

    Graham Rahal on winning at Mid-Ohio, Instagram, August 3rd 2015

  • Will he get through? Where is he? Where is he? There he is!

    Tom Carnegie on A.J. Foyt, 1967

  • You need to learn how to f***ing count.

    Arie Luyendyk, Texas '97

  • We'll be fine. I'll take them to Six Flags tomorrow and we'll all be fine.

    Tony Kanaan on Marco & Danica, June 2009 at Texas Motor Speedway

  • Hope you're all snug in your beds, while Indycars dance in your head...

    Simon Pagenaud on insomnia, Twitter, 4:31 AM, July 23rd 2019

  • A happy wife is a happy life!

    Scott Dixon on marriage at the Carb Night Burger Bash, 2015

  • The minute he got in front of me, he slowed down half-a-second a lap because he knows I'm fighting him for the championship and he was out of the race. It's probably the most unsportsmanlike thing I've ever seen on the racetrack, apart from shunting someone into a wall.

    Wade Cunningham on Sebastien Saavedra, Iowa 2009

  • This place isn't easy. It's not supposed to be easy. This place starts the 33 fastest, best-prepared cars. Obviously, I missed.

    Paul Diatlovitch, Indy Bump Day 2007

  • We are trying to fix them but when you start behind the eight ball like last year you are playing catch-up and you will continue to play catch-up until we get rid of these stupid kits!

    Michael Andretti on aerokits, Autosport.com, 15th April 2016

  • This track, believe it or not, has done worse to me in the past, and we came back swinging.

    James Hinchcliffe on Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Bump Day, May 19th 2018

  • Second place is nothing.

    Marco Andretti, Indy 2006

  • I can't control what size I am and how I'm built. All I know is the NBA doesn't lower the hoop for short guys.

    Danica Patrick, June 2005

  • You don't pay me to run second.

    Dan Wheldon to Chip Ganassi, Nashville 2006

  • You know, bison do seem like some very American animals.

    Conor Daly on Bison, IndyCar.com March 23rd 2021

  • I wasn't thinking, 'That's Eddie [Cheever] and he's in an Infiniti and so I need to beat him.' I was thinking, 'That's Eddie, and I want to kick his ass!'

    Robbie Buhl, after winning at WDW in 2000

  • Some people strap on their helmet and lose their brains.

    Graham Rahal on the carnage at Toronto, July 2011

  • Again, I was scared to death. I had zero grip, and I was lifting at the start/finish line going into one. It's embarrassing.

    Marco Andretti, Kansas 2007

  • I WILL win at Kentucky.

    Will Power, Chicago 2010

  • From now on, Scheckter, when used as a verb, means, "To steal one's wireless internet access."

    Tony Kanaan's blog, May 2007

  • I bet you'd love to drive one, you just wouldn't want to crash one!

    Charlie Kimball to Dale Jr. via Twitter, Pocono, August 23rd 2015

  • The walls are white, the track is grey, the grass is green, and the sky is blue... your job is to keep them all where they belong.

    Johnny Rutherford's advice to Indy 500 rookies

  • My Father said if you are going to win one race, make sure it is the Indianapolis 500

    Eddie Cheever after winning the Indy 500

  • When I saw he was slowing down, I have to say it was a relief. I thought, 'Now we can finally unleash the beast inside and go for the win.'

    Simon Pagenaud on Will Power's misfortune at Sonoma, ESPN.com, September 18th 2016

  • My picture isn't everywhere, but people recognize me. I'm telling you, it's the nose.

    Tony Kanaan, May 2007

  • 3-horse chase. Power, Dixie and GR

    Curt Cavin with a new twist on an old saying, GP of Baltimore 2013

  • The worst thing about crashing A.J.'s car twice in two days is you still have to go to dinner with him. And he makes you buy, and then he eats your bowl of ice cream, too.

    Billy Boat

  • Brian Clauson's car got pretty beat up yesterday. It's black and blue all over

    Justin Wilson on Brian Clauson's patchwork DW12, bump day, Indy 2012

  • I just can't wait to get back in the car. I wonder if I'm still any good.

    Will Power on the long off season, St Petersburg, March 21st 2013

  • This has been the best season of my career in motorsport and I've learned so much. We'll be coming back to win this thing next year.

    Will Power on losing to Dario Franchitti, Homestead, 2010

  • Essentially; the same lap time for the top ten!

    Townsend Bell on the tight field after P2 at the GP of Portland, August 24th 2024

  • Since last fall I've been wondering what in the hell it's going to feel like, and now I know.

    Danica Patrick on driving an IndyCar after 7 years away, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 1st 2018

  • Any time I get to come to Indianapolis, any time I get to participate in the greatest spectacle in motor racing, it's a great day.

    Paul Diatlovitch, Indy Bump Day 2007

  • The things that play on your mind the most are the ones that just got away.

    Buddy Lazier on the Indy 500

  • I remember the first year I raced here, I took pictures of the entrance. I was taking pictures. I hoped one day to race here in May.

    Fernando Alonso on Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 3rd 2017

  • Some of the drivers roll out this 'safety' word, and suddenly it ties everybody's hands. But those arguments make no sense anyway. Remove downforce and you actually improve safety

    Rick Mears on downforce, Motorsport.com, October 28th 2015

  • I mean this guy can't even keep his lies straight. He's told so many in the last week, he's not sure what the truth is.

    Robin Miller on Kevin Kalkoven, February 2008

  • It felt way better than I ever thought it was going to feel!

    Ed Carpenter on finally winning his first race, Kansas, October 2011

  • I can't believe it. I cannot believe it. What a year for this Target team. It was so much fun to be a part of.

    Dario Franchitti, Homestead 2009

  • ...if everyone agrees on a spec kit, IndyCar needs to really use the chance to get something that looks good, doesn't have all this winglet crap stuck all over it, and doesn't create all this dirty air.

    Will Power on aerokits, motorsport.com, May 4th 2016

  • Last season, we lost the championship in the last corner of the last lap of the last race to some other guy.

    Chip Ganassi, Daytona 2008

  • Broke a glass at a restaurant. Apologize to the waiter, he looks at me, says "Accidents happen. YOU know what I mean!"

    James Hinchcliffe via Twitter, December 17th 2015

  • Most importantly, for the Indy 500 we'll probably be all okay, and that's cause to be happy.

    Mikhail Aleshin on Honda's prospects for the 2017 season, Motorsport.com, February 2nd 2017

  • Then again my favorite films of all time are Fast and the Furious 1 through 8 or however many of them there are.

    Conor Daly on underglow. Via Twitter, July 16th 2020

  • Heeeeeee's on it!

    Tom Carnegie

  • I keep getting asked by Europeans, drivers also, if racing around IMS was boring an' easy. I just want to shake my head and walk away.

    Connor Daly, June 6th 2013, via Twitter

  • I drove the best race of my whole career!

    Rinus VeeKay on finishing 5th at the IMS Road Course, July 4th 2020


nz racers (who said kiwis can't fly) results for Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio

Scott Dixon$32500053
Sebastien Bourdais$31000042
James Hinchcliffe$31500036
Ryan Hunter-Reay$32000021
Juan Pablo Montoya$32500019