• My mom hasn't played much of a role in my racing career. In fact, I think she still wants me to join the Coast Guard. But I still love her.

    PJ Chesson on Mothers Day

  • That was the hairiest day I've ever had.

    Ryan Hunter Reay, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009

  • I'm throwing this one out to Dan. This is his hometown, this is his car.

    James Hinchcliffe after his first career victory, St. Petersburg, March 24th 2013

  • If someone said choose one race to win, just one, and that was the only race you ever got to win, it would be the Indy 500.

    Jack Harvey on the Indianapolis 500, indianapolismotorspeedway.com, February 21st 2019

  • I'm a moving chicane out here!

    Juan Pablo Montoya, lap 42 at St Pete's, March 30th 2014

  • She was acting like a spoiled brat. I don't respect that. I tried to step away. She kept grabbing on me like a dog that wanted to bite my ankles.

    Dan Wheldon on Danica Patrick, June 2007

  • If we're racing on Superspeedways with catch fencing, I fear we're just playing the odds until we have something protecting our heads. It’s a scary thing to say.

    Ryan Hunter-Reay on canopies, Racer Magazine, 15 September 2014

  • Pounding down toward the yard of bricks...

    Tom Carnegie

  • The Indy 500 was the defining stage of my career.

    Mario Andretti

  • It was a very good test in terms of outright speed, but I did destroy a car the first day.

    Dan Wheldon, Homestead test 2007

  • They're creating a much bigger problem than the one they're trying to solve. And it's mind-boggling, absolutely mind-boggling, that they don't see it and that these discussions have even made it this far.

    James Hinchcliffe on INDYCAR mandating domed skids, Motorsport.com, April 5th 2016

  • That was for the team.

    Tony Kanaan, Fontana 2005

  • I have learned more in one week here than I did in my entire Formula One career.

    Jean Alesi, Bump Day, Indy 2012

  • I can't believe I'm here. It's so cool!

    Mike Conway in victory lane, Long Beach 2014

  • Will he get through? Where is he? Where is he? There he is!

    Tom Carnegie on A.J. Foyt, 1967

  • The things that play on your mind the most are the ones that just got away.

    Buddy Lazier on the Indy 500

  • It's going to be a close finish. I have the bigger nose, I guess I have a good chance.

    Tony Kanaan, Kansas 2005

  • The last time this flag was on the front row of the Indy500, I wasn’t born. Makes me proud.

    Rinus Veekay on the Dutch flag, Twitter.com, May 25th 2021

  • Any time I get to come to Indianapolis, any time I get to participate in the greatest spectacle in motor racing, it's a great day.

    Paul Diatlovitch, Indy Bump Day 2007

  • Everyone remembers the pole winner for two weeks. Everyone remembers the race winner for life.

    Dan Wheldon on the Indy 500

  • When Will was going off on Versus, I was cracking up. I was like, man, I didn't know you could talk like that! And I never knew you could say 'wanker' on TV, but that's my new word for now on... so I guess something good did come out of Toronto!

    Tony Kanaan on Will Power, Toronto, July 2011

  • I can't control what size I am and how I'm built. All I know is the NBA doesn't lower the hoop for short guys.

    Danica Patrick, June 2005

  • A happy wife is a happy life!

    Scott Dixon on marriage at the Carb Night Burger Bash, 2015

  • Eyes on the starter...

    Tom Carnegie

  • I lifted a little, but I didn't touch the brake.

    Will Power on the art of restarting, St Pete's, March 30th 2014

  • Hope you're all snug in your beds, while Indycars dance in your head...

    Simon Pagenaud on insomnia, Twitter, 4:31 AM, July 23rd 2019

  • The Indy 500 is one of the greatest events in the sport. Drivers all over the world know this. I belong there. Because I'm a racer.

    Fernando Alonso on The Indy 500, The Players Tribune, May 18th 2017

  • If he wins this race with what he has to work with, they ought to name this place after him.

    John Barnes on Sam Hornish Jr, indy 2003

  • I keep getting asked by Europeans, drivers also, if racing around IMS was boring an' easy. I just want to shake my head and walk away.

    Connor Daly, June 6th 2013, via Twitter

  • You don't get too many times like that at the Indy 500 where you're out there and you have a chance to win the race right in front of everybody on the last lap.

    Sam Hornish Jr, Indy 2006

  • She's just feeling the pressure of not winning races.

    Dan Wheldon on Danica Patrick, Milwaukee 2007

  • Without the IRL, a lot of guys would never have been able to show what they can do.

    Tony Stewart, May 2007

  • I've seen this place be absolutely great to me, and I've seen it wrench my heart from my body.

    Dan Wheldon on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway

  • I drove the best race of my whole career!

    Rinus VeeKay on finishing 5th at the IMS Road Course, July 4th 2020

  • This is and always will be the greatest spectacle in racing. This is the Indianapolis 500.

    Leigh Diffey, as the green flag waved at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 29th 2022

  • 3-horse chase. Power, Dixie and GR

    Curt Cavin with a new twist on an old saying, GP of Baltimore 2013

  • Whatever you heard, somebody made it up. For the first two days, he talked nonsense because he had a concussion. It doesn't matter what he was saying. He doesn't even remember it.

    Tony Kanaan on the rumours of Dario Franchitti's retirement after Houston, 2013

  • Do you think I give a flying f*** what Buddy Rice thinks?

    Dan Wheldon

  • She probably does not know what that is, so I can say I'm going to Las Vegas to play poker and she'll think it's something like that!

    Fernando Alonso on what his mother would think about the Indy 500, motor.as.com, April 20th 2016

  • Why do you think there are so many skid marks? It's not because it's a lovely corner.

    John Andretti, Indy 2010

  • I remember the first year I raced here, I took pictures of the entrance. I was taking pictures. I hoped one day to race here in May.

    Fernando Alonso on Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 3rd 2017

  • Then again my favorite films of all time are Fast and the Furious 1 through 8 or however many of them there are.

    Conor Daly on underglow. Via Twitter, July 16th 2020

  • Racing IndyCars at Richmond is like flying fighter jets in a gymnasium.

    Eddie Cheever Jr.

  • If they want to be on the front page of USA Today, they can be my guest. If I ever want attention, I'm just going to get out of the car and beat the hell out of somebody.

    Tony Kanaan on Dan and Danica, Milwaukee 2007

  • Patience is a virtue... and someone wasn't very virtuous today.

    James Hinchcliffe on an unnamed driver, Long Beach 2014

  • Not bad for a part timer ;o)

    Graham Rahal on finishing 5th at Toronto, via Twitter, July 2010

  • From now on, Scheckter, when used as a verb, means, "To steal one's wireless internet access."

    Tony Kanaan's blog, May 2007

  • I wish I could get my deadbeat family to participate.

    Kurt St. Angelo on the IndyCarFanZone fantasy league, Twitter, September 14th 2022

  • I was just hanging back there waiting for someone to make a mistake and it turned out to be me!

    Colton Herta on the final restart, Road America, June 12th 2022

  • We are unified.

    Terry Angstadt, February 22nd 2008


OilCanCallahan results for Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach

Will Power$33500040
Simon Pagenaud$30500030
Ryan Hunter-Reay$32500014
Justin Wilson$31000014
Josef Newgarden$30000012