• You don't pay me to run second.

    Dan Wheldon to Chip Ganassi, Nashville 2006

  • I plan to be here hopefully until I'm into my 40s, and to accomplish something like Scott has done.

    Alexander Rossi on building an IndyCar legacy, Mobil1TheGrid.com, December 10th 2018

  • What a day. This place is magical. It is still the 'beginning of the season' for me but everything is starting to fall into place. This is the best month of May, ever.

    Helio Castroneves after winning the Indy 500, May 2009

  • You don't gotta win by five seconds - you just gotta win.

    Tony Kanaan, Motegi 2007

  • I'm just so f***ing disappointed!

    Kosuke Matsuura, St Pete's 2007

  • This track, believe it or not, has done worse to me in the past, and we came back swinging.

    James Hinchcliffe on Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Bump Day, May 19th 2018

  • Who is the buff guy in blue with the big #Schnozolla?

    Chip Ganassi on Tony Kanaan's Family Feud appearance, via Twitter, July 26th 2016

  • Gentlemen... restart your engines!

    Tom Carnegie, Indy 2004

  • So it was a bad result but good day. Led laps, good restarts, passed people, worked with the car, but finished crap! movin on!!

    Danica Patrick after Iowa 2009, via Twitter

  • There comes a time in a race where money doesn't matter, living doesn't matter. Winning is the only thing that matters, and so when you go into those corners, it's winning that tells all.

    Al Unser Jr.

  • Gentlemen, start your engines.

    Wilbur Shaw

  • I promise you this: it isn't the last you've seen of me at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. My last time there will not be a day when I'm walking out with my tail between my legs.

    Paul Tracy, Indy Bump Day 2010

  • I can't believe it. I cannot believe it. What a year for this Target team. It was so much fun to be a part of.

    Dario Franchitti, Homestead 2009

  • This place isn't easy. It's not supposed to be easy. This place starts the 33 fastest, best-prepared cars. Obviously, I missed.

    Paul Diatlovitch, Indy Bump Day 2007

  • And here comes Max Crappis into the pits!

    Paul Page, Michigan '99

  • The Indy 500 is the biggest race in the world. I don't think it's even debatable. It is.

    Dan Wheldon

  • She was acting like a spoiled brat. I don't respect that. I tried to step away. She kept grabbing on me like a dog that wanted to bite my ankles.

    Dan Wheldon on Danica Patrick, June 2007

  • And in 7 hours off to NYC!! Can't believe. Don't want to sleep thinking I'm gonna wake up from a dream.

    Sebastian Saavedra, Indy Bump Day 2010, via Twitter

  • I'm 19 years old, I drive Indy cars... I'm happy.

    Marco Andretti, July 2006

  • It's a new... track... record!

    Tom Carnegie

  • Then again my favorite films of all time are Fast and the Furious 1 through 8 or however many of them there are.

    Conor Daly on underglow. Via Twitter, July 16th 2020

  • You need to learn how to f***ing count.

    Arie Luyendyk, Texas '97

  • Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug. And sometimes you have an air gun failure.

    Simon Pagenaud on equipment issues, St Petersburg, March 11th 2018

  • You don't get too many times like that at the Indy 500 where you're out there and you have a chance to win the race right in front of everybody on the last lap.

    Sam Hornish Jr, Indy 2006

  • Having raced all over the planet, I would say that IndyCar is the toughest beast yet to master for me.

    Felix Rosenqvist, Motorsports.com, September 17th 2019

  • I am stupid.

    Zach Veach on Zach Veach after an off track excursion, IMS, July 4th 2020

  • If I ever pit with her again, I'm not racing for this team anymore - ever!

    Tony Kanaan, Kansas 2007

  • Winning is always a great feeling, but winning at your home track, a place that you grew up at and a place that helped you fall in love with the sport of IndyCar racing... this is priceless.

    Graham Rahal on winning at Mid-Ohio, Instagram, August 3rd 2015

  • As a past driver, I'd answer the phone if Roger or Chip called...

    Sarah Fisher on keeping Josef Newgarden in her team, Racer.com, August 3rd 2015

  • I kind of have half an idea of what it means to win this race now. I couldn't be happier.

    Dario Franchitti on winning the 91st Indy 500

  • Any time I get to come to Indianapolis, any time I get to participate in the greatest spectacle in motor racing, it's a great day.

    Paul Diatlovitch, Indy Bump Day 2007

  • Eyes on the starter...

    Tom Carnegie

  • This is a great decision by IndyCar. Plus it gives me another month to get ready.

    Jimmie Johnson on the 2021 season opener being delayed, via Twitter, January 6th 2021

  • I get one more opportunity to head into the defining racing venue of my career with a single, achievable goal: Win.

    Danica Patrick on her final Indy 500, The Players' Tribune, May 15th 2018

  • This is and always will be the greatest spectacle in racing. This is the Indianapolis 500.

    Leigh Diffey, as the green flag waved at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 29th 2022

  • Time to go to the back row party!

    Ryan Hunter Reay, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009

  • F1 is for sissies, this is proper racing, you can quote me on that!

    Dan Wheldon

  • What makes IndyCar racing so good is there's not much you can do on your car to differentiate it from the others. It's only dampers, third springs. There's the aero with the aero kits – and hopefully those are going away.

    Bobby Rahal on the benefits of a spec series, Racer.com, May 18th 2016

  • Obviously we always see the good days, but Gil de Ferran told me if you can have a bad day and nobody notices, that's how you do a really good job - and that's how you win a championship.

    Simon Pagenaud on the 2016 season, ESPN.com, September 18th 2016

  • It was a very good test in terms of outright speed, but I did destroy a car the first day.

    Dan Wheldon, Homestead test 2007

  • Most importantly, for the Indy 500 we'll probably be all okay, and that's cause to be happy.

    Mikhail Aleshin on Honda's prospects for the 2017 season, Motorsport.com, February 2nd 2017

  • Heeeeeee's on it!

    Tom Carnegie

  • It was talent and skill, that's how I did it. A masterful display of driving ability!

    James Hinchcliffe on getting through the gap that took him from 17th to 6th at Mid Ohio, August 2014

  • Brad Pitt got a super license before me. Tough.

    Colton Herta on Brad Pitt joining the F1 grid to film a movie, Twitter, May 4th 2023

  • ...one of the things that has always been wrong with that theory that NASCAR is the enemy... and they are... is because the people at NASCAR need to protect NASCAR.

    Curt Cavin on Trackside, May 13th 2010

  • I can hardly believe it. Who would have thought it?!

    Dario Franchitti on winning the 91st Indy 500

  • I keep getting asked by Europeans, drivers also, if racing around IMS was boring an' easy. I just want to shake my head and walk away.

    Connor Daly, June 6th 2013, via Twitter

  • When I saw he was slowing down, I have to say it was a relief. I thought, 'Now we can finally unleash the beast inside and go for the win.'

    Simon Pagenaud on Will Power's misfortune at Sonoma, ESPN.com, September 18th 2016

  • There's fathers out there. There's husbands. There's brothers, sisters. It's something that absolutely we think about. We hope for the best with it.

    Ryan Hunter-Reay on the dangers of racing an IndyCar, Pocono, August 23rd 2015

  • 3-horse chase. Power, Dixie and GR

    Curt Cavin with a new twist on an old saying, GP of Baltimore 2013


Brooks Bashers results for Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach

Graham Rahal$30000017
Ryan Hunter-Reay$32500014
Tony Kanaan$31500012
James Hinchcliffe$3100009