• My Father said if you are going to win one race, make sure it is the Indianapolis 500

    Eddie Cheever after winning the Indy 500

  • I told him I'd follow him anywhere he went, as long as it was on the racetrack.

    Sam Hornish Jr on Tomas Scheckter, Texas 2005

  • It was a very good test in terms of outright speed, but I did destroy a car the first day.

    Dan Wheldon, Homestead test 2007

  • The only reason I'm wearin' it is so I didn't leave it in no hotel nowhere!

    A.J. Foyt on his Indy 500 winner's ring, Detroit, June 3rd 2016

  • The day started when I walked into Gasoline Alley and saw the grandstands. It was my first time here on race day and it was quite unbelievable.

    Alex Tagliani on the 2009 Indianapolis 500

  • It was so scary for me. I don't know what else to say. I don't know what happened but it felt like my front and rear wings were upside down.

    Marco Andretti, Kansas 2007

  • I was going good but then I slipped in my own drool.

    Helio Castroneves on the return to road courses

  • If he thinks I'm not going to remember that, HE'S CRAZY!

    Danica Patrick on Dan Wheldon, Milwaukee 2007

  • Then again my favorite films of all time are Fast and the Furious 1 through 8 or however many of them there are.

    Conor Daly on underglow. Via Twitter, July 16th 2020

  • I don't know him at all. Is he in his own little world?

    Kevin Lee on Jacques Villeneuve, Trackside, August 2012

  • We are trying to fix them but when you start behind the eight ball like last year you are playing catch-up and you will continue to play catch-up until we get rid of these stupid kits!

    Michael Andretti on aerokits, Autosport.com, 15th April 2016

  • We'll see how it unfolds, and we're going to have to give each other respect and the space on the track.

    Danica Patrick on Dan Wheldon, June 2007

  • I'm 38. I'm a legit 38. I don't know how old you are, but I'm legit 38. March 3 1981.

    Ed Carpenter to Tony Kanaan on the suggestion that he was over 40, Gateway, August 24th 2019

  • It's always sad to be out of a race but I'm happy that I walked away; it was a nasty, nasty crash.

    Tony Kanaan at the 2009 Indianapolis 500

  • Someone asked me if I win the Indy 500 if I'd still retire? I'd still retire. What better way to go out?

    Danica Patrick on her final race, racing.ap.org, March 7th 2018

  • This track, believe it or not, has done worse to me in the past, and we came back swinging.

    James Hinchcliffe on Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Bump Day, May 19th 2018

  • Whoever has got the big balls is going to go fast!

    Helio Castroneves

  • All up it was one of the toughest weekends of my career in ANY form of motorsport, and you can sometimes learn more from your roughest days out there.

    Scott McLaughlin on his Detroit weekend, June15th 2021, Speedcafe.com

  • If we're not racing hard, we're not racing.

    Tony Kanaan, St Pete's 2007

  • Some of the drivers roll out this 'safety' word, and suddenly it ties everybody's hands. But those arguments make no sense anyway. Remove downforce and you actually improve safety

    Rick Mears on downforce, Motorsport.com, October 28th 2015

  • It's a Top-10 but after finishing here fifth last year nothing less than that would really be satisfying because you always want more.

    Ed Carpenter after the 2009 Indianapolis 500

  • As a past driver, I'd answer the phone if Roger or Chip called...

    Sarah Fisher on keeping Josef Newgarden in her team, Racer.com, August 3rd 2015

  • I still have the passion to drive the hell out of it!

    Juan Pablo Montoya on his motivation, NBCSports.com, July 12th 2016

  • This is a huge day for the IndyCar Series and for our sport as a whole, for sure.

    Michael Andretti, February 22nd 2008

  • I can't control what size I am and how I'm built. All I know is the NBA doesn't lower the hoop for short guys.

    Danica Patrick, June 2005

  • You don't get too many times like that at the Indy 500 where you're out there and you have a chance to win the race right in front of everybody on the last lap.

    Sam Hornish Jr, Indy 2006

  • My picture isn't everywhere, but people recognize me. I'm telling you, it's the nose.

    Tony Kanaan, May 2007

  • I sometimes think that Graham doesn't have the right filter for this Sport!

    Curt Cavin on Graham Rahal speaking his mind, Traxkaide, May 23rd 2023

  • She probably does not know what that is, so I can say I'm going to Las Vegas to play poker and she'll think it's something like that!

    Fernando Alonso on what his mother would think about the Indy 500, motor.as.com, April 20th 2016

  • Let's wait and watch.

    Tom Carnegie

  • Less than a mile an hour and I'm on pole. It's tough. It's IndyCar. It's why we love it.

    Scott McLaughlan on qualifying at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 22nd 2023, via Speed Street

  • Good news is we've won every race we've finished!

    James Hinchcliffe on crashing out at Long Beach, April 22nd 2013

  • I just can't wait to get back in the car. I wonder if I'm still any good.

    Will Power on the long off season, St Petersburg, March 21st 2013

  • Do you think I give a flying f*** what Buddy Rice thinks?

    Dan Wheldon

  • No way. That's the best part about our cars, no power steering, high aero, get it done.

    Scott McLaughlin on adding power steering, via Twitter, April 26th 2021

  • Without the IRL, a lot of guys would never have been able to show what they can do.

    Tony Stewart, May 2007

  • It's amazing how different an Indycar is from anything else on a racetrack.

    Alexander Rossi, Autosport.com, April 26th 2017

  • The last time this flag was on the front row of the Indy500, I wasn’t born. Makes me proud.

    Rinus Veekay on the Dutch flag, Twitter.com, May 25th 2021

  • The worst thing about crashing A.J.'s car twice in two days is you still have to go to dinner with him. And he makes you buy, and then he eats your bowl of ice cream, too.

    Billy Boat

  • I drove the best race of my whole career!

    Rinus VeeKay on finishing 5th at the IMS Road Course, July 4th 2020

  • I hope all the fans out there were as excited about that race as I am. It was awesome doing so much passing. Racing can't get any better!

    Graham Rahal on the Kentucky 300, August 2009

  • I WILL win at Kentucky.

    Will Power, Chicago 2010

  • Beautiful chaos!

    David Malukas on the racing at Texas Motor Speedway, April 2nd 2023

  • What a day. This place is magical. It is still the 'beginning of the season' for me but everything is starting to fall into place. This is the best month of May, ever.

    Helio Castroneves after winning the Indy 500, May 2009

  • Off to heat yoga with @PitFitTraining. Gonna be sweating like a rapist.

    Tomas Scheckter showing his class on Twitter, April 6th 2011

  • Having a pulse should make you want to attend the 500.

    James Hinchcliffe on what should make you want to attend the 500, via Twitter, April 2012

  • We won a 500-mile race - not the right one, but we won a 500-miler...

    Will Power on the 2016 season, ESPN.com, September 18th 2016

  • Obviously we always see the good days, but Gil de Ferran told me if you can have a bad day and nobody notices, that's how you do a really good job - and that's how you win a championship.

    Simon Pagenaud on the 2016 season, ESPN.com, September 18th 2016

  • From now on, Scheckter, when used as a verb, means, "To steal one's wireless internet access."

    Tony Kanaan's blog, May 2007

  • ...one of the things that has always been wrong with that theory that NASCAR is the enemy... and they are... is because the people at NASCAR need to protect NASCAR.

    Curt Cavin on Trackside, May 13th 2010


Snapple in my Big Gulp results for Milwaukee Indyfest

Ryan Hunter-Reay$32000051
Will Power$31500036
EJ Viso$30500033
James Hinchcliffe$32000030
Marco Andretti$33000012