• If he wins this race with what he has to work with, they ought to name this place after him.

    John Barnes on Sam Hornish Jr, indy 2003

  • It's a new... track... record!

    Tom Carnegie

  • The worst thing about crashing A.J.'s car twice in two days is you still have to go to dinner with him. And he makes you buy, and then he eats your bowl of ice cream, too.

    Billy Boat

  • It's like a reunion to come back here every May. I've never retired. I always say, "I'm not done yet."

    Parnelli Jones, Indy 2007

  • My Father said if you are going to win one race, make sure it is the Indianapolis 500

    Eddie Cheever after winning the Indy 500

  • I think Briscoe and I had a pretty good race going on, but we got what we got.

    Scott Dixon on losing the race and the championship, Homestead 2009

  • You're not going to out-Dixon Dixon!

    James Hinchcliffe on trying to beat Scott Dixon on fuel mileage, during the Bommarito Automative 500, August 27th 2023

  • I came in not knowing what to expect. I basically fell in love with IndyCar.

    Romain Grosjean on his rookie season, Laguna Seca, September 19th 2021

  • If we're racing on Superspeedways with catch fencing, I fear we're just playing the odds until we have something protecting our heads. It’s a scary thing to say.

    Ryan Hunter-Reay on canopies, Racer Magazine, 15 September 2014

  • I'm a moving chicane out here!

    Juan Pablo Montoya, lap 42 at St Pete's, March 30th 2014

  • Winning is always a great feeling, but winning at your home track, a place that you grew up at and a place that helped you fall in love with the sport of IndyCar racing... this is priceless.

    Graham Rahal on winning at Mid-Ohio, Instagram, August 3rd 2015

  • I've seen this place be absolutely great to me, and I've seen it wrench my heart from my body.

    Dan Wheldon on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway

  • I'm the happiest guy on earth right now!

    Rinus VeeKay on finishing 5th at the IMS Road Course, July 4th 2020

  • I'm a little rough around the edges like him and I say what I feel, there's no B.S. and that's one of the things I've always admired about him.

    Paul Tracy on AJ Foyt, May 2009

  • The toughest people out there passing me are my teammates, and I don't get that. I think three of the four of us get what the camaraderie of Andretti Green Racing is.

    Marco Andretti on an unidentified teammate after Milwaukee 2009

  • That's a cool shot of the glowing brake disc!

    Colton Herta watching a replay of his pass on Rossi, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, 3rd October 2020

  • I can't believe I'm here. It's so cool!

    Mike Conway in victory lane, Long Beach 2014

  • I just kept focused, focused, focused, all day long, getting every corner perfect.

    Helio Castroneves, St Pete's 2007

  • I have learned more in one week here than I did in my entire Formula One career.

    Jean Alesi, Bump Day, Indy 2012

  • It felt way better than I ever thought it was going to feel!

    Ed Carpenter on finally winning his first race, Kansas, October 2011

  • I think this is something that will really change the complexion of the sport for a long time to come, so this is big

    Jay Frye on the Aeroscreen, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, October 2nd 2019

  • Most importantly, for the Indy 500 we'll probably be all okay, and that's cause to be happy.

    Mikhail Aleshin on Honda's prospects for the 2017 season, Motorsport.com, February 2nd 2017

  • Eyes on the starter...

    Tom Carnegie

  • It's always sad to be out of a race but I'm happy that I walked away; it was a nasty, nasty crash.

    Tony Kanaan at the 2009 Indianapolis 500

  • I've never been so happy to be in last place.

    Ryan Hunter Reay, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009

  • Milka, if you're gonna go that slow you gotta drive your mirrors, hon'!

    Ryan Hunter-Reay to Milka Duno after Watkins Glen qualifying, July 2010

  • I know a lot of people say that Iowa is in the middle of nowhere, but you know what, we get such a great crowd and they're so enthusiastic. As a driver you could put me in paradise, but if there's nobody in the grandstands then it's not good racing.

    Dan Wheldon on Iowa Speedway, June 2009

  • From now on, Scheckter, when used as a verb, means, "To steal one's wireless internet access."

    Tony Kanaan's blog, May 2007

  • P2 to P8 to P20 to who knows to P2. Confirmed… Portland IS weird.

    Alexander Rossi on another wild race at Portland, via Twitter, September 13th 2021

  • When you tug at a guy in the pit lane, I think that is taking advantage of your gender, because it puts me in an awkward position.

    Dan Wheldon on Danica Patrick, June 2007

  • He said its the best team out there. If its the best team, he shouldn't have a problem.

    Chip Ganassi on whether he'd allow Jaun Pablo Montoya to test for Penske, Houston, October 2013

  • Any time I get to come to Indianapolis, any time I get to participate in the greatest spectacle in motor racing, it's a great day.

    Paul Diatlovitch, Indy Bump Day 2007

  • Back at the big house next weekend, kids.

    Alexander Rossi on the Harvest GP, Twitter.com, 24th September 2020

  • With photos, sometimes people get old. Not me, but some people do.

    Helio Castroneves, June 2009

  • Having a pulse should make you want to attend the 500.

    James Hinchcliffe on what should make you want to attend the 500, via Twitter, April 2012

  • ...if everyone agrees on a spec kit, IndyCar needs to really use the chance to get something that looks good, doesn't have all this winglet crap stuck all over it, and doesn't create all this dirty air.

    Will Power on aerokits, motorsport.com, May 4th 2016

  • I don't want to take a defeatist attitude here but it's going to be ugly. If IndyCar goes the domed skid route, we're going to be taking a knife to a gunfight.

    Sam Schmidt on Chevy's advantage with domed skids, Racer.com, April 7th 2016

  • Who is the buff guy in blue with the big #Schnozolla?

    Chip Ganassi on Tony Kanaan's Family Feud appearance, via Twitter, July 26th 2016

  • You need to learn how to f***ing count.

    Arie Luyendyk, Texas '97

  • I get one more opportunity to head into the defining racing venue of my career with a single, achievable goal: Win.

    Danica Patrick on her final Indy 500, The Players' Tribune, May 15th 2018

  • The only reason I'm wearin' it is so I didn't leave it in no hotel nowhere!

    A.J. Foyt on his Indy 500 winner's ring, Detroit, June 3rd 2016

  • Everyone wants to pick a fight with me. Whatever.

    Sage Karam on everyone wanting to pick a fight with him, IndyStar.com, August 3rd 2015

  • Some of the drivers roll out this 'safety' word, and suddenly it ties everybody's hands. But those arguments make no sense anyway. Remove downforce and you actually improve safety

    Rick Mears on downforce, Motorsport.com, October 28th 2015

  • I was going good but then I slipped in my own drool.

    Helio Castroneves on the return to road courses

  • He's grounded.

    Bryan Herta to Marco Andretti on Colton Herta knocking Marco out of P1 in final practice, Long Beach, April 14th 2019

  • If I have to race until I am 86 years old, I am going to race until I win another Indianapolis 500.

    Dan Wheldon after finishing 2nd in the 2010 Indianapolis 500

  • Hope you're all snug in your beds, while Indycars dance in your head...

    Simon Pagenaud on insomnia, Twitter, 4:31 AM, July 23rd 2019

  • I lifted a little, but I didn't touch the brake.

    Will Power on the art of restarting, St Pete's, March 30th 2014

  • You don't pay me to run second.

    Dan Wheldon to Chip Ganassi, Nashville 2006

  • I keep getting asked by Europeans, drivers also, if racing around IMS was boring an' easy. I just want to shake my head and walk away.

    Connor Daly, June 6th 2013, via Twitter


Bulldog Racing results for Milwaukee Indyfest

Helio Castroneves$32000040
Tony Kanaan$31500020
Marco Andretti$33000012
Alex Tagliani$3100007