• You're not going to out-Dixon Dixon!

    James Hinchcliffe on trying to beat Scott Dixon on fuel mileage, during the Bommarito Automative 500, August 27th 2023

  • And in 7 hours off to NYC!! Can't believe. Don't want to sleep thinking I'm gonna wake up from a dream.

    Sebastian Saavedra, Indy Bump Day 2010, via Twitter

  • Back then there were 50-75 cars just trying to make the field. And they were the best drivers in the world. I remember thinking; I can’t believe this. I can't believe I got a spot.

    A.J. Foyt on qualifying for his first Indianapolis 500 mile race

  • Patience is a virtue... and someone wasn't very virtuous today.

    James Hinchcliffe on an unnamed driver, Long Beach 2014

  • I think Briscoe and I had a pretty good race going on, but we got what we got.

    Scott Dixon on losing the race and the championship, Homestead 2009

  • Brian Clauson's car got pretty beat up yesterday. It's black and blue all over

    Justin Wilson on Brian Clauson's patchwork DW12, bump day, Indy 2012

  • Everyone wants to pick a fight with me. Whatever.

    Sage Karam on everyone wanting to pick a fight with him, IndyStar.com, August 3rd 2015

  • Everyone thinks that running in dirty air causes the front end to wash out, but actually it affects the whole car and you just can't follow someone close in fast or medium-speed corners since the aerokits came in.

    Will Power on aerokits, Motorsport.com, May 4th 2016

  • The walls are white, the track is grey, the grass is green, and the sky is blue... your job is to keep them all where they belong.

    Johnny Rutherford's advice to Indy 500 rookies

  • The day started when I walked into Gasoline Alley and saw the grandstands. It was my first time here on race day and it was quite unbelievable.

    Alex Tagliani on the 2009 Indianapolis 500

  • A happy wife is a happy life!

    Scott Dixon on marriage at the Carb Night Burger Bash, 2015

  • Having a pulse should make you want to attend the 500.

    James Hinchcliffe on what should make you want to attend the 500, via Twitter, April 2012

  • I arrived in Turn 1 and I was convinced that I was doing flat out, but the foot was not flat - it had its own life, it was not connected to my brain at that moment.

    Fernando Alonso on Turn 1 commitment at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 3rd 2017

  • I plan to be here hopefully until I'm into my 40s, and to accomplish something like Scott has done.

    Alexander Rossi on building an IndyCar legacy, Mobil1TheGrid.com, December 10th 2018

  • We are trying to fix them but when you start behind the eight ball like last year you are playing catch-up and you will continue to play catch-up until we get rid of these stupid kits!

    Michael Andretti on aerokits, Autosport.com, 15th April 2016

  • If he wins this race with what he has to work with, they ought to name this place after him.

    John Barnes on Sam Hornish Jr, indy 2003

  • The only reason I'm wearin' it is so I didn't leave it in no hotel nowhere!

    A.J. Foyt on his Indy 500 winner's ring, Detroit, June 3rd 2016

  • We'll see how it unfolds, and we're going to have to give each other respect and the space on the track.

    Danica Patrick on Dan Wheldon, June 2007

  • You don't gotta win by five seconds - you just gotta win.

    Tony Kanaan, Motegi 2007

  • I'm tired of being nice about it. The fact is, grip created by aerodynamic downforce is our enemy... At the moment, the downforce is so great that it masks the handling and hurts the racing

    Rick Mears on what's wrong with IndyCar, Motorsport.com, October 28th 2015

  • I wish I could get my deadbeat family to participate.

    Kurt St. Angelo on the IndyCarFanZone fantasy league, Twitter, September 14th 2022

  • F1 is for sissies, this is proper racing, you can quote me on that!

    Dan Wheldon

  • When you tug at a guy in the pit lane, I think that is taking advantage of your gender, because it puts me in an awkward position.

    Dan Wheldon on Danica Patrick, June 2007

  • I think Danica's pretty aggressive in our cars. I mean, you know especially if you catch her at the right time of the month, she might be trading plenty of paint out there!

    Ed Carpenter, July 2006

  • I've seen this place be absolutely great to me, and I've seen it wrench my heart from my body.

    Dan Wheldon on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway

  • We're all back to square zero!

    James Hinchcliffe on the start of a new season, Trackside, March 18th 2014

  • Rick Mears is a great race car driver. Hopefully I have plenty of years to try to earn his respect again.

    Tony Kanaan, Detroit 2007

  • Every podium tastes like glory and every victory more so.

    Alex Palou on the calibre of competition in IndyCar, September 5th 2023, via Marca.com

  • I don't want to take a defeatist attitude here but it's going to be ugly. If IndyCar goes the domed skid route, we're going to be taking a knife to a gunfight.

    Sam Schmidt on Chevy's advantage with domed skids, Racer.com, April 7th 2016

  • Whoever has got the big balls is going to go fast!

    Helio Castroneves

  • No way. That's the best part about our cars, no power steering, high aero, get it done.

    Scott McLaughlin on adding power steering, via Twitter, April 26th 2021

  • I know a lot of people say that Iowa is in the middle of nowhere, but you know what, we get such a great crowd and they're so enthusiastic. As a driver you could put me in paradise, but if there's nobody in the grandstands then it's not good racing.

    Dan Wheldon on Iowa Speedway, June 2009

  • I love this championship and everything it represents. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to be here. I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

    Alexander Rossi on IndyCar, The Indy Star, September 14th 2018

  • The things that play on your mind the most are the ones that just got away.

    Buddy Lazier on the Indy 500

  • Someone asked me if I win the Indy 500 if I'd still retire? I'd still retire. What better way to go out?

    Danica Patrick on her final race, racing.ap.org, March 7th 2018

  • The last time this flag was on the front row of the Indy500, I wasn’t born. Makes me proud.

    Rinus Veekay on the Dutch flag, Twitter.com, May 25th 2021

  • I was going through there as hard as I could. It was for everything. It was for all the marbles.

    Sam Hornish Jr, Indy 2006

  • I can't control what size I am and how I'm built. All I know is the NBA doesn't lower the hoop for short guys.

    Danica Patrick, June 2005

  • Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug. And sometimes you have an air gun failure.

    Simon Pagenaud on equipment issues, St Petersburg, March 11th 2018

  • I hope all the fans out there were as excited about that race as I am. It was awesome doing so much passing. Racing can't get any better!

    Graham Rahal on the Kentucky 300, August 2009

  • I think it's is a long putt, so I think we're safe for a while.

    Roger Penske on the possibility of F1 returning to Long Beach, April 2014

  • I mean this guy can't even keep his lies straight. He's told so many in the last week, he's not sure what the truth is.

    Robin Miller on Kevin Kalkoven, February 2008

  • What a day. This place is magical. It is still the 'beginning of the season' for me but everything is starting to fall into place. This is the best month of May, ever.

    Helio Castroneves after winning the Indy 500, May 2009

  • I'm 19 years old, I drive Indy cars... I'm happy.

    Marco Andretti, July 2006

  • We'd love to see Buddy Rice in a car and in the Indy 500, but as best we can tell, no driver has ever qualified for the Indy 500 from their couch.

    TrackSideOnline, May 2009

  • If I ever pit with her again, I'm not racing for this team anymore - ever!

    Tony Kanaan, Kansas 2007

  • You know, if you're going to have an example of how not to go about things, this is 100 percent how you would do it.

    Scott Dixon on Alex Palou's contract dispute, Toronto, July 15th 2022

  • What makes IndyCar racing so good is there's not much you can do on your car to differentiate it from the others. It's only dampers, third springs. There's the aero with the aero kits – and hopefully those are going away.

    Bobby Rahal on the benefits of a spec series, Racer.com, May 18th 2016

  • My Father said if you are going to win one race, make sure it is the Indianapolis 500

    Eddie Cheever after winning the Indy 500

  • I bet you'd love to drive one, you just wouldn't want to crash one!

    Charlie Kimball to Dale Jr. via Twitter, Pocono, August 23rd 2015


IRLFan9 results for Honda Indy Toronto

Tony Kanaan$32000032
Simon Pagenaud$29000018
Dario Franchitti$34000013
EJ Viso$28000012
Scott Dixon$34500010