• You've only seen me smile here.

    Romain Grosjean on being in IndyCar, after the GMR Grand Prix, IMS, May 15th 2021

  • If you're an open-wheel racer and not at Indy in May, you're not really a race car driver. You just think you are.

    Eddie Cheever

  • I WILL win at Kentucky.

    Will Power, Chicago 2010

  • I miss my fans so much, you have no idea. I think I appreciate them more then I ever did.

    Sarah Fisher, August 2006

  • I was frustrated since Motegi and wanted to prove a point. When you're in a competitive package, you can't let points slip. I can eat breakfast tomorrow morning now instead of stabbing my fork into the table.

    Dan Wheldon, Kansas 2007

  • I was going through there as hard as I could. It was for everything. It was for all the marbles.

    Sam Hornish Jr, Indy 2006

  • That's the kind of incident that leaves skidmarks *inside* the cockpit!

    Tom Sneva

  • Back then there were 50-75 cars just trying to make the field. And they were the best drivers in the world. I remember thinking; I can’t believe this. I can't believe I got a spot.

    A.J. Foyt on qualifying for his first Indianapolis 500 mile race

  • Do you think I give a flying f*** what Buddy Rice thinks?

    Dan Wheldon

  • What makes IndyCar racing so good is there's not much you can do on your car to differentiate it from the others. It's only dampers, third springs. There's the aero with the aero kits – and hopefully those are going away.

    Bobby Rahal on the benefits of a spec series, Racer.com, May 18th 2016

  • Brian Clauson's car got pretty beat up yesterday. It's black and blue all over

    Justin Wilson on Brian Clauson's patchwork DW12, bump day, Indy 2012

  • This has been the best season of my career in motorsport and I've learned so much. We'll be coming back to win this thing next year.

    Will Power on losing to Dario Franchitti, Homestead, 2010

  • Someone asked me if I win the Indy 500 if I'd still retire? I'd still retire. What better way to go out?

    Danica Patrick on her final race, racing.ap.org, March 7th 2018

  • ...if everyone agrees on a spec kit, IndyCar needs to really use the chance to get something that looks good, doesn't have all this winglet crap stuck all over it, and doesn't create all this dirty air.

    Will Power on aerokits, motorsport.com, May 4th 2016

  • When you tug at a guy in the pit lane, I think that is taking advantage of your gender, because it puts me in an awkward position.

    Dan Wheldon on Danica Patrick, June 2007

  • I kind of have half an idea of what it means to win this race now. I couldn't be happier.

    Dario Franchitti on winning the 91st Indy 500

  • It's amazing how different an Indycar is from anything else on a racetrack.

    Alexander Rossi, Autosport.com, April 26th 2017

  • Every podium tastes like glory and every victory more so.

    Alex Palou on the calibre of competition in IndyCar, September 5th 2023, via Marca.com

  • The last I looked, I earned the label of Indy 500 champion; those lobbing unfounded accusations at me have not.

    Eddie Cheever Jr. after Watkins Glen 06

  • Some of the drivers who don't want to do the Indy 500, they just have small balls. I think that's the only explanation.

    Mikhail Aleshin on drivers who are too scared to run the Indy 500, May 16th 2017

  • I wasn't thinking, 'That's Eddie [Cheever] and he's in an Infiniti and so I need to beat him.' I was thinking, 'That's Eddie, and I want to kick his ass!'

    Robbie Buhl, after winning at WDW in 2000

  • And here comes Max Crappis into the pits!

    Paul Page, Michigan '99

  • I just can't wait to get back in the car. I wonder if I'm still any good.

    Will Power on the long off season, St Petersburg, March 21st 2013

  • It was so scary for me. I don't know what else to say. I don't know what happened but it felt like my front and rear wings were upside down.

    Marco Andretti, Kansas 2007

  • The Indianapolis 500 is about the fastest 33 Indy car drivers going for one prize. If they happen to come from America, that's great.

    Tony Stewart, May 2007

  • I still have the passion to drive the hell out of it!

    Juan Pablo Montoya on his motivation, NBCSports.com, July 12th 2016

  • The Indy 500 is the biggest race in the world. I don't think it's even debatable. It is.

    Dan Wheldon

  • I sometimes think that Graham doesn't have the right filter for this Sport!

    Curt Cavin on Graham Rahal speaking his mind, Traxkaide, May 23rd 2023

  • It's like a reunion to come back here every May. I've never retired. I always say, "I'm not done yet."

    Parnelli Jones, Indy 2007

  • I think Briscoe and I had a pretty good race going on, but we got what we got.

    Scott Dixon on losing the race and the championship, Homestead 2009

  • You don't get too many times like that at the Indy 500 where you're out there and you have a chance to win the race right in front of everybody on the last lap.

    Sam Hornish Jr, Indy 2006

  • It's just crazy. If I never won another pole, I wouldn't care. Almost.

    James Hinchcliffe on winning the pole for the 100th Indy 500, May 22nd 2016

  • Some people strap on their helmet and lose their brains.

    Graham Rahal on the carnage at Toronto, July 2011

  • I arrived in Turn 1 and I was convinced that I was doing flat out, but the foot was not flat - it had its own life, it was not connected to my brain at that moment.

    Fernando Alonso on Turn 1 commitment at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 3rd 2017

  • I prefer to be here, even 34th, then being at home like last year.

    Fernando Alonso on the Indy 500, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 19th 2019

  • No way. That's the best part about our cars, no power steering, high aero, get it done.

    Scott McLaughlin on adding power steering, via Twitter, April 26th 2021

  • That's a cool shot of the glowing brake disc!

    Colton Herta watching a replay of his pass on Rossi, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, 3rd October 2020

  • I know a lot of people say that Iowa is in the middle of nowhere, but you know what, we get such a great crowd and they're so enthusiastic. As a driver you could put me in paradise, but if there's nobody in the grandstands then it's not good racing.

    Dan Wheldon on Iowa Speedway, June 2009

  • When you've driven it for a day, you're going to feel naked without it.

    Will Power on testing the Aeroscreen, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, October 2nd 2019

  • You don't pay me to run second.

    Dan Wheldon to Chip Ganassi, Nashville 2006

  • I think this is something that will really change the complexion of the sport for a long time to come, so this is big

    Jay Frye on the Aeroscreen, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, October 2nd 2019

  • I was a craft beer and a wallet chain away from being a hipster!

    James Hinchcliffe on beard growth, Tim and Sid's Plays of the Week, September 14th 2015

  • Going into Texas with four wheels on the car is pretty exciting!

    Sarah Fisher after the 2009 Indianapolis 500

  • Now they've got competition and they are not talking about winning. I feel like they want to sit around and hold hands and sing. I want to win.

    Chip Ganassi on Honda, St Petersberg, March 23rd 2013

  • I don't want to take a defeatist attitude here but it's going to be ugly. If IndyCar goes the domed skid route, we're going to be taking a knife to a gunfight.

    Sam Schmidt on Chevy's advantage with domed skids, Racer.com, April 7th 2016

  • It takes a lot of guts to expose yourself in front of millions of people, in front of all the media, in front of all your peers. If somebody came to me and said, "Hey, you want to run Texas in an IRL car," I'd say, "Hell, no. I don't want to get embarrassed." She's doing that. I have a lot of respect for that.

    Jeff Burton on Danica Patrick, June 2010

  • When you go home and you're slow, there's nothing you can do. But when you go home under these conditions it's kind of tough.

    Alex Tagliani, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009

  • It's a great feeling. I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

    Sam Hornish Jr. on winning the 90th Indy 500

  • Will he get through? Where is he? Where is he? There he is!

    Tom Carnegie on A.J. Foyt, 1967

  • Racing IndyCars at Richmond is like flying fighter jets in a gymnasium.

    Eddie Cheever Jr.


Team13 results for Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix

Scott Dixon$32500053
Patricio O'Ward$32500026
Rinus VeeKay$31000016
Graham Rahal$31000015
Scott McLaughlin$33000010