• I'm 19 years old, I drive Indy cars... I'm happy.

    Marco Andretti, July 2006

  • You're not going to out-Dixon Dixon!

    James Hinchcliffe on trying to beat Scott Dixon on fuel mileage, during the Bommarito Automative 500, August 27th 2023

  • You know, if you're going to have an example of how not to go about things, this is 100 percent how you would do it.

    Scott Dixon on Alex Palou's contract dispute, Toronto, July 15th 2022

  • Time to go to the back row party!

    Ryan Hunter Reay, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009

  • I've seen this place be absolutely great to me, and I've seen it wrench my heart from my body.

    Dan Wheldon on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway

  • I WILL win at Kentucky.

    Will Power, Chicago 2010

  • We'll be fine. I'll take them to Six Flags tomorrow and we'll all be fine.

    Tony Kanaan on Marco & Danica, June 2009 at Texas Motor Speedway

  • The last time this flag was on the front row of the Indy500, I wasn’t born. Makes me proud.

    Rinus Veekay on the Dutch flag, Twitter.com, May 25th 2021

  • I get one more opportunity to head into the defining racing venue of my career with a single, achievable goal: Win.

    Danica Patrick on her final Indy 500, The Players' Tribune, May 15th 2018

  • I just can't wait to get back in the car. I wonder if I'm still any good.

    Will Power on the long off season, St Petersburg, March 21st 2013

  • Gentlemen, start your engines.

    Wilbur Shaw

  • Howard and me set the first and third fastest times of the day, and we both got beaten to grid slot 33 by a kid in Methodist Hospital with a smoking wreck of a car. The magic of Indy, huh?

    Paul Tracy, Indy Bump Day 2010

  • I love this championship and everything it represents. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to be here. I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

    Alexander Rossi on IndyCar, The Indy Star, September 14th 2018

  • Winning is always a great feeling, but winning at your home track, a place that you grew up at and a place that helped you fall in love with the sport of IndyCar racing... this is priceless.

    Graham Rahal on winning at Mid-Ohio, Instagram, August 3rd 2015

  • We'd love to see Buddy Rice in a car and in the Indy 500, but as best we can tell, no driver has ever qualified for the Indy 500 from their couch.

    TrackSideOnline, May 2009

  • It's the biggest race in the world. It's not supposed to be easy.

    Marcus Ericsson on The Indianapolis 500, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 2023

  • Patience is a virtue... and someone wasn't very virtuous today.

    James Hinchcliffe on an unnamed driver, Long Beach 2014

  • I have learned more in one week here than I did in my entire Formula One career.

    Jean Alesi, Bump Day, Indy 2012

  • F1 is for sissies, this is proper racing, you can quote me on that!

    Dan Wheldon

  • Second place is nothing.

    Marco Andretti, Indy 2006

  • If I have to race until I am 86 years old, I am going to race until I win another Indianapolis 500.

    Dan Wheldon after finishing 2nd in the 2010 Indianapolis 500

  • I'm throwing this one out to Dan. This is his hometown, this is his car.

    James Hinchcliffe after his first career victory, St. Petersburg, March 24th 2013

  • Someone asked me if I win the Indy 500 if I'd still retire? I'd still retire. What better way to go out?

    Danica Patrick on her final race, racing.ap.org, March 7th 2018

  • I arrived in Turn 1 and I was convinced that I was doing flat out, but the foot was not flat - it had its own life, it was not connected to my brain at that moment.

    Fernando Alonso on Turn 1 commitment at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 3rd 2017

  • What a day. This place is magical. It is still the 'beginning of the season' for me but everything is starting to fall into place. This is the best month of May, ever.

    Helio Castroneves after winning the Indy 500, May 2009

  • This has been the best season of my career in motorsport and I've learned so much. We'll be coming back to win this thing next year.

    Will Power on losing to Dario Franchitti, Homestead, 2010

  • I'm 38. I'm a legit 38. I don't know how old you are, but I'm legit 38. March 3 1981.

    Ed Carpenter to Tony Kanaan on the suggestion that he was over 40, Gateway, August 24th 2019

  • I think this is something that will really change the complexion of the sport for a long time to come, so this is big

    Jay Frye on the Aeroscreen, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, October 2nd 2019

  • I miss my fans so much, you have no idea. I think I appreciate them more then I ever did.

    Sarah Fisher, August 2006

  • Andy Granatelli for as much as he put into the sport, especially at Indianapolis. I had to deal with that big kiss. I can still smell the garlic.

    Mario Andretti on Andy Granatelli after the 1969 Indianapolis 500

  • The things that play on your mind the most are the ones that just got away.

    Buddy Lazier on the Indy 500

  • Without the IRL, a lot of guys would never have been able to show what they can do.

    Tony Stewart, May 2007

  • Speed on ovals is insane. Currently re-calibrating my eyes.

    Jimmie Johnson on his first oval test at Texas Motor Speedway, via Twitter, August 30th 2020

  • We are trying to fix them but when you start behind the eight ball like last year you are playing catch-up and you will continue to play catch-up until we get rid of these stupid kits!

    Michael Andretti on aerokits, Autosport.com, 15th April 2016

  • I am a connoisseur of information!

    Conor Daly on silly season rumours, Trackside, September 13th 2016

  • I still have the passion to drive the hell out of it!

    Juan Pablo Montoya on his motivation, NBCSports.com, July 12th 2016

  • The toughest people out there passing me are my teammates, and I don't get that. I think three of the four of us get what the camaraderie of Andretti Green Racing is.

    Marco Andretti on an unidentified teammate after Milwaukee 2009

  • Going into Texas with four wheels on the car is pretty exciting!

    Sarah Fisher after the 2009 Indianapolis 500

  • Downforce is the enemy of racing.

    Rick Mears, Motorsport.com, September 15th 2016

  • Essentially; the same lap time for the top ten!

    Townsend Bell on the tight field after P2 at the GP of Portland, August 24th 2024

  • It takes a lot of guts to expose yourself in front of millions of people, in front of all the media, in front of all your peers. If somebody came to me and said, "Hey, you want to run Texas in an IRL car," I'd say, "Hell, no. I don't want to get embarrassed." She's doing that. I have a lot of respect for that.

    Jeff Burton on Danica Patrick, June 2010

  • She probably does not know what that is, so I can say I'm going to Las Vegas to play poker and she'll think it's something like that!

    Fernando Alonso on what his mother would think about the Indy 500, motor.as.com, April 20th 2016

  • I don't want to take a defeatist attitude here but it's going to be ugly. If IndyCar goes the domed skid route, we're going to be taking a knife to a gunfight.

    Sam Schmidt on Chevy's advantage with domed skids, Racer.com, April 7th 2016

  • Some people strap on their helmet and lose their brains.

    Graham Rahal on the carnage at Toronto, July 2011

  • It's just crazy. If I never won another pole, I wouldn't care. Almost.

    James Hinchcliffe on winning the pole for the 100th Indy 500, May 22nd 2016

  • Do you think I give a flying f*** what Buddy Rice thinks?

    Dan Wheldon

  • I can tell you one thing, with 50 to go, I thought we were going to go home and close our tent.

    Roger Penske, Indy 2006

  • It's a living, breathing, organism.

    Eddie Cheever on Indianapolis Motor Speedway

  • If they want to be on the front page of USA Today, they can be my guest. If I ever want attention, I'm just going to get out of the car and beat the hell out of somebody.

    Tony Kanaan on Dan and Danica, Milwaukee 2007

  • I've never been so happy to be in last place.

    Ryan Hunter Reay, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009


British Racing results for The 108th Indianapolis 500

Scott McLaughlin$33000043
Alex Palou$32500031
Rinus VeeKay$31000029
Will Power$33000017
Katherine Legge$3050005