• If he wins this race with what he has to work with, they ought to name this place after him.

    John Barnes on Sam Hornish Jr, indy 2003

  • You don't gotta win by five seconds - you just gotta win.

    Tony Kanaan, Motegi 2007

  • With photos, sometimes people get old. Not me, but some people do.

    Helio Castroneves, June 2009

  • I think Briscoe and I had a pretty good race going on, but we got what we got.

    Scott Dixon on losing the race and the championship, Homestead 2009

  • As a past driver, I'd answer the phone if Roger or Chip called...

    Sarah Fisher on keeping Josef Newgarden in her team, Racer.com, August 3rd 2015

  • If you run around in the back with the squirrels, you're bound to get your nuts cracked.

    PJ Chesson

  • It's always sad to be out of a race but I'm happy that I walked away; it was a nasty, nasty crash.

    Tony Kanaan at the 2009 Indianapolis 500

  • If I have to race until I am 86 years old, I am going to race until I win another Indianapolis 500.

    Dan Wheldon after finishing 2nd in the 2010 Indianapolis 500

  • You won't believe it!

    Tom Carnegie

  • Beautiful chaos!

    David Malukas on the racing at Texas Motor Speedway, April 2nd 2023

  • From now on, Scheckter, when used as a verb, means, "To steal one's wireless internet access."

    Tony Kanaan's blog, May 2007

  • When you tug at a guy in the pit lane, I think that is taking advantage of your gender, because it puts me in an awkward position.

    Dan Wheldon on Danica Patrick, June 2007

  • Pounding down toward the yard of bricks...

    Tom Carnegie

  • When you go home and you're slow, there's nothing you can do. But when you go home under these conditions it's kind of tough.

    Alex Tagliani, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009

  • We'll see how it unfolds, and we're going to have to give each other respect and the space on the track.

    Danica Patrick on Dan Wheldon, June 2007

  • What a day. This place is magical. It is still the 'beginning of the season' for me but everything is starting to fall into place. This is the best month of May, ever.

    Helio Castroneves after winning the Indy 500, May 2009

  • And here comes Max Crappis into the pits!

    Paul Page, Michigan '99

  • Helio lives for this. This is his passion. He loves Indy.

    Simon Pagenaud, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 15th 2018

  • That's the kind of incident that leaves skidmarks *inside* the cockpit!

    Tom Sneva

  • We're all back to square zero!

    James Hinchcliffe on the start of a new season, Trackside, March 18th 2014

  • The Indianapolis 500 is about the fastest 33 Indy car drivers going for one prize. If they happen to come from America, that's great.

    Tony Stewart, May 2007

  • I'm tired of being nice about it. The fact is, grip created by aerodynamic downforce is our enemy... At the moment, the downforce is so great that it masks the handling and hurts the racing

    Rick Mears on what's wrong with IndyCar, Motorsport.com, October 28th 2015

  • I keep getting asked by Europeans, drivers also, if racing around IMS was boring an' easy. I just want to shake my head and walk away.

    Connor Daly, June 6th 2013, via Twitter

  • 3-horse chase. Power, Dixie and GR

    Curt Cavin with a new twist on an old saying, GP of Baltimore 2013

  • I just kept focused, focused, focused, all day long, getting every corner perfect.

    Helio Castroneves, St Pete's 2007

  • My picture isn't everywhere, but people recognize me. I'm telling you, it's the nose.

    Tony Kanaan, May 2007

  • Heeeeere's something that's amazing... i-dent-ical laps.

    Tom Carnegie

  • When Will was going off on Versus, I was cracking up. I was like, man, I didn't know you could talk like that! And I never knew you could say 'wanker' on TV, but that's my new word for now on... so I guess something good did come out of Toronto!

    Tony Kanaan on Will Power, Toronto, July 2011

  • You don't get too many times like that at the Indy 500 where you're out there and you have a chance to win the race right in front of everybody on the last lap.

    Sam Hornish Jr, Indy 2006

  • I was going good but then I slipped in my own drool.

    Helio Castroneves on the return to road courses

  • Now it's obvious we were too conservative, we should have just gone for it

    Eric Bachelart, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009

  • If we're not racing hard, we're not racing.

    Tony Kanaan, St Pete's 2007

  • It's the biggest race in the world. It's not supposed to be easy.

    Marcus Ericsson on The Indianapolis 500, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 2023

  • Having a pulse should make you want to attend the 500.

    James Hinchcliffe on what should make you want to attend the 500, via Twitter, April 2012

  • I mean this guy can't even keep his lies straight. He's told so many in the last week, he's not sure what the truth is.

    Robin Miller on Kevin Kalkoven, February 2008

  • Whoever has got the big balls is going to go fast!

    Helio Castroneves

  • I think the IRL has been poised for a long time to be discovered by a lot of people.

    Chip Ganassi

  • Speed on ovals is insane. Currently re-calibrating my eyes.

    Jimmie Johnson on his first oval test at Texas Motor Speedway, via Twitter, August 30th 2020

  • Gentlemen... restart your engines!

    Tom Carnegie, Indy 2004

  • The Indy 500 was the defining stage of my career.

    Mario Andretti

  • I'm 38. I'm a legit 38. I don't know how old you are, but I'm legit 38. March 3 1981.

    Ed Carpenter to Tony Kanaan on the suggestion that he was over 40, Gateway, August 24th 2019

  • It's going to be a close finish. I have the bigger nose, I guess I have a good chance.

    Tony Kanaan, Kansas 2005

  • F1 is for sissies, this is proper racing, you can quote me on that!

    Dan Wheldon

  • I'm a moving chicane out here!

    Juan Pablo Montoya, lap 42 at St Pete's, March 30th 2014

  • The track is narrower than I thought! You watch the television and you see three cars alongside on the main straight - now I am in the car on the main straight and it's hard to imagine how you can fit three cars there at speed.

    Fernando Alonso after his first test at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 3rd 2017

  • We won a 500-mile race - not the right one, but we won a 500-miler...

    Will Power on the 2016 season, ESPN.com, September 18th 2016

  • Now they've got competition and they are not talking about winning. I feel like they want to sit around and hold hands and sing. I want to win.

    Chip Ganassi on Honda, St Petersberg, March 23rd 2013

  • The minute he got in front of me, he slowed down half-a-second a lap because he knows I'm fighting him for the championship and he was out of the race. It's probably the most unsportsmanlike thing I've ever seen on the racetrack, apart from shunting someone into a wall.

    Wade Cunningham on Sebastien Saavedra, Iowa 2009

  • I think this is something that will really change the complexion of the sport for a long time to come, so this is big

    Jay Frye on the Aeroscreen, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, October 2nd 2019

  • What makes IndyCar racing so good is there's not much you can do on your car to differentiate it from the others. It's only dampers, third springs. There's the aero with the aero kits – and hopefully those are going away.

    Bobby Rahal on the benefits of a spec series, Racer.com, May 18th 2016


Grizzlor results for The 108th Indianapolis 500

Scott McLaughlin$33000043
Alexander Rossi$32000042
Santino Ferrucci$31500032
Takuma Sato$31500019
Felix Rosenqvist$3200009