• Having a pulse should make you want to attend the 500.

    James Hinchcliffe on what should make you want to attend the 500, via Twitter, April 2012

  • If someone said choose one race to win, just one, and that was the only race you ever got to win, it would be the Indy 500.

    Jack Harvey on the Indianapolis 500, indianapolismotorspeedway.com, February 21st 2019

  • That was the hairiest day I've ever had.

    Ryan Hunter Reay, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009

  • I've got the Grandfathers Club with Helio and Juan, right?!

    Roger Penske on his older two drivers, motorsport.com, March 22nd 2016

  • It's the biggest race in the world. It's not supposed to be easy.

    Marcus Ericsson on The Indianapolis 500, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 2023

  • Since last fall I've been wondering what in the hell it's going to feel like, and now I know.

    Danica Patrick on driving an IndyCar after 7 years away, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 1st 2018

  • 3-horse chase. Power, Dixie and GR

    Curt Cavin with a new twist on an old saying, GP of Baltimore 2013

  • I think Danica's pretty aggressive in our cars. I mean, you know especially if you catch her at the right time of the month, she might be trading plenty of paint out there!

    Ed Carpenter, July 2006

  • I wasn't thinking, 'That's Eddie [Cheever] and he's in an Infiniti and so I need to beat him.' I was thinking, 'That's Eddie, and I want to kick his ass!'

    Robbie Buhl, after winning at WDW in 2000

  • I still have the passion to drive the hell out of it!

    Juan Pablo Montoya on his motivation, NBCSports.com, July 12th 2016

  • The things that play on your mind the most are the ones that just got away.

    Buddy Lazier on the Indy 500

  • It's going to be a close finish. I have the bigger nose, I guess I have a good chance.

    Tony Kanaan, Kansas 2005

  • Heeeeere's something that's amazing... i-dent-ical laps.

    Tom Carnegie

  • This has been the best season of my career in motorsport and I've learned so much. We'll be coming back to win this thing next year.

    Will Power on losing to Dario Franchitti, Homestead, 2010

  • Any time I get to come to Indianapolis, any time I get to participate in the greatest spectacle in motor racing, it's a great day.

    Paul Diatlovitch, Indy Bump Day 2007

  • The minute he got in front of me, he slowed down half-a-second a lap because he knows I'm fighting him for the championship and he was out of the race. It's probably the most unsportsmanlike thing I've ever seen on the racetrack, apart from shunting someone into a wall.

    Wade Cunningham on Sebastien Saavedra, Iowa 2009

  • So it was a bad result but good day. Led laps, good restarts, passed people, worked with the car, but finished crap! movin on!!

    Danica Patrick after Iowa 2009, via Twitter

  • For a moment, all is right with the world - Danica Patrick is leading the Indianapolis 500.

    Adam Alexander, Indy 2005

  • P2 to P8 to P20 to who knows to P2. Confirmed… Portland IS weird.

    Alexander Rossi on another wild race at Portland, via Twitter, September 13th 2021

  • I drove the best race of my whole career!

    Rinus VeeKay on finishing 5th at the IMS Road Course, July 4th 2020

  • You don't get too many times like that at the Indy 500 where you're out there and you have a chance to win the race right in front of everybody on the last lap.

    Sam Hornish Jr, Indy 2006

  • I am a connoisseur of information!

    Conor Daly on silly season rumours, Trackside, September 13th 2016

  • I know a lot of people say that Iowa is in the middle of nowhere, but you know what, we get such a great crowd and they're so enthusiastic. As a driver you could put me in paradise, but if there's nobody in the grandstands then it's not good racing.

    Dan Wheldon on Iowa Speedway, June 2009

  • We won a 500-mile race - not the right one, but we won a 500-miler...

    Will Power on the 2016 season, ESPN.com, September 18th 2016

  • I love this championship and everything it represents. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to be here. I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

    Alexander Rossi on IndyCar, The Indy Star, September 14th 2018

  • From now on, Scheckter, when used as a verb, means, "To steal one's wireless internet access."

    Tony Kanaan's blog, May 2007

  • All up it was one of the toughest weekends of my career in ANY form of motorsport, and you can sometimes learn more from your roughest days out there.

    Scott McLaughlin on his Detroit weekend, June15th 2021, Speedcafe.com

  • I'm the happiest guy on earth right now!

    Rinus VeeKay on finishing 5th at the IMS Road Course, July 4th 2020

  • There's fathers out there. There's husbands. There's brothers, sisters. It's something that absolutely we think about. We hope for the best with it.

    Ryan Hunter-Reay on the dangers of racing an IndyCar, Pocono, August 23rd 2015

  • I hope all the fans out there were as excited about that race as I am. It was awesome doing so much passing. Racing can't get any better!

    Graham Rahal on the Kentucky 300, August 2009

  • Brian Clauson's car got pretty beat up yesterday. It's black and blue all over

    Justin Wilson on Brian Clauson's patchwork DW12, bump day, Indy 2012

  • At 220mph friendship, risk and victory become extremely volatile.

    Dan Wheldon

  • Now it's obvious we were too conservative, we should have just gone for it

    Eric Bachelart, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009

  • I just can't wait to get back in the car. I wonder if I'm still any good.

    Will Power on the long off season, St Petersburg, March 21st 2013

  • Good morning from the start/finish line at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

    Tom Carnegie

  • Patience is a virtue... and someone wasn't very virtuous today.

    James Hinchcliffe on an unnamed driver, Long Beach 2014

  • They're creating a much bigger problem than the one they're trying to solve. And it's mind-boggling, absolutely mind-boggling, that they don't see it and that these discussions have even made it this far.

    James Hinchcliffe on INDYCAR mandating domed skids, Motorsport.com, April 5th 2016

  • I think it's is a long putt, so I think we're safe for a while.

    Roger Penske on the possibility of F1 returning to Long Beach, April 2014

  • When Will was going off on Versus, I was cracking up. I was like, man, I didn't know you could talk like that! And I never knew you could say 'wanker' on TV, but that's my new word for now on... so I guess something good did come out of Toronto!

    Tony Kanaan on Will Power, Toronto, July 2011

  • Some people strap on their helmet and lose their brains.

    Graham Rahal on the carnage at Toronto, July 2011

  • No way. That's the best part about our cars, no power steering, high aero, get it done.

    Scott McLaughlin on adding power steering, via Twitter, April 26th 2021

  • This is just an excellent race and to be a part of the history, I'm really grateful for that.

    Roger Yasukawa, Indy 2007

  • Whatever you heard, somebody made it up. For the first two days, he talked nonsense because he had a concussion. It doesn't matter what he was saying. He doesn't even remember it.

    Tony Kanaan on the rumours of Dario Franchitti's retirement after Houston, 2013

  • It's a living, breathing, organism.

    Eddie Cheever on Indianapolis Motor Speedway

  • Fernando Alonso on the difference between an IndyCar and an F1 car, May 3rd 2017

  • I was a craft beer and a wallet chain away from being a hipster!

    James Hinchcliffe on beard growth, Tim and Sid's Plays of the Week, September 14th 2015

  • Having raced all over the planet, I would say that IndyCar is the toughest beast yet to master for me.

    Felix Rosenqvist, Motorsports.com, September 17th 2019

  • Some of the drivers roll out this 'safety' word, and suddenly it ties everybody's hands. But those arguments make no sense anyway. Remove downforce and you actually improve safety

    Rick Mears on downforce, Motorsport.com, October 28th 2015

  • That's a cool shot of the glowing brake disc!

    Colton Herta watching a replay of his pass on Rossi, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, 3rd October 2020

  • Winning is always a great feeling, but winning at your home track, a place that you grew up at and a place that helped you fall in love with the sport of IndyCar racing... this is priceless.

    Graham Rahal on winning at Mid-Ohio, Instagram, August 3rd 2015


Johnny Lightning Racing results for Sonsio Grand Prix at IMS Road Course

Scott Dixon$33000033
Scott McLaughlin$32500029
Colton Herta$32500026
Patricio O'Ward$32000017
Tom Blomqvist$3000007