• That was the hairiest day I've ever had.

    Ryan Hunter Reay, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009


Results for GoPro Grand Prix of Sonoma

1jim stringfellowRace Riot323
2KP BuckTeam Buckley318
3FaridChallenger 1970313
4Andrew WoodFast Woody311
5Steve MenteGoggles_Paisano310
6Kurt St. AngeloThe Yellow Shirts306
7George BoothLVGEO305
 Jim FergusonTeam Kanaan305
9MichaelRick Mears Head301
10Alan LosureRebel Racing299
 Jonathan CloseLemming51 Enterprises299
 Dave RammelDoodles Racing299
13Ken NethBalls 2 to the Wall Racing298
14Nathan LosureWho Dat Racing294
15Andrew MillerA.J. Foyt's PopOff Valve293
16Donna Jacksongogetem292
 Pat WottonIndyCarlin292
18Nickorganic Newgarden290
 Mark WyldmanMarkoWild290
20Gary Evansnrracing288
 Michael MisterkaGoCanadaRacing #33288
 JohnRacer X288
24Ron DrewniakBlack Flag284
 craig stringfellowJimmyHollywood284
26Chad EberlyBulldog Racing283
27Lizzy WalshScottie's Girl282
28John BlaskoSpeed Master II278
29Bill KnothThe unblinking eye277
30Ben DenewethGeedis Motorsports266
 Barry Shield Plus Racing266
 Parker Allen Digitized racers266
 Melissa BarramedaBignumber4266
 Darrell CoxRum Runner263
36Don WalkerFlying Diamond Racing262
37Sheila BlaskoPeppy Pistons257
38Scott BartonIndy500Fan253
39Brad AllenUmphreaker49252
40Vincent C GenoveseSlot 8 Racing250
 Patrick MooreBrundle 250
42Dan Gusedguse500249
43Neil PThe Stickman's Racing Group248
 Gordon Martinez'Qvistcapade Racing248
 L.A. Hewitt-RubleClutchXCoast248
46Mike MurphyMurphysLawl244
47LisabethLEB racing243
48Rob FoxxFoxx Indy Racing Enterprises 🔥242
49Allen BujakWar Eagle Racing239
51LeesadeeYou Got Smoked236
 James duncanGov't Mule236
53Judy Laubysome beach234
 HitokiriHasbro/Takara Hitokiri Racing234
 ChelseaRacing Divas234
56MikeAlley Cat233
 John CunninghamPenske15233
58Drew StormsBadStorms230
 Cruncher Block, III Accept no imitations230
61TrixieDennit Racing226
62Tom DeHavenP1 Chase225
 Maryln E.MizzIndy225
64Dale GleitzMallard224
 Andy MillerSquadra Speedgeek224
 John LivengoodLive 'N' Good Racing224
67Mike ClineRahal Rules221
68Phil NationAmerican Racing219
69Mike GBoilerbird Racing218
 kerry breslinnz racers (who said kiwis can't fly)218
71Adam EvartsEvarts Motorsports214
72Jim CockrallOld Fart213
73Derek WaldrepOne of Thirty-Three 212
75Larry KellerMo Money Mo Problems204
76William Wilson🏁G2 RACING CAR NO#306🏁197
77Mike CockrallTeam Canada193
78Joseph GallagherTeam Helio187
 Jim BlaskoLightning Blackie187
80Bill Battle Red Racing185
81Jay BreslawskiMonarch LT Racing180
83Ben SmithFacta Nonverba Racing176