• I was a craft beer and a wallet chain away from being a hipster!

    James Hinchcliffe on beard growth, Tim and Sid's Plays of the Week, September 14th 2015

  • It was talent and skill, that's how I did it. A masterful display of driving ability!

    James Hinchcliffe on getting through the gap that took him from 17th to 6th at Mid Ohio, August 2014

  • If they want to be on the front page of USA Today, they can be my guest. If I ever want attention, I'm just going to get out of the car and beat the hell out of somebody.

    Tony Kanaan on Dan and Danica, Milwaukee 2007

  • Broke a glass at a restaurant. Apologize to the waiter, he looks at me, says "Accidents happen. YOU know what I mean!"

    James Hinchcliffe via Twitter, December 17th 2015

  • Speed on ovals is insane. Currently re-calibrating my eyes.

    Jimmie Johnson on his first oval test at Texas Motor Speedway, via Twitter, August 30th 2020

  • Again, I was scared to death. I had zero grip, and I was lifting at the start/finish line going into one. It's embarrassing.

    Marco Andretti, Kansas 2007

  • Off to heat yoga with @PitFitTraining. Gonna be sweating like a rapist.

    Tomas Scheckter showing his class on Twitter, April 6th 2011

  • Whatever you heard, somebody made it up. For the first two days, he talked nonsense because he had a concussion. It doesn't matter what he was saying. He doesn't even remember it.

    Tony Kanaan on the rumours of Dario Franchitti's retirement after Houston, 2013

  • This place isn't easy. It's not supposed to be easy. This place starts the 33 fastest, best-prepared cars. Obviously, I missed.

    Paul Diatlovitch, Indy Bump Day 2007

  • Some of the drivers who don't want to do the Indy 500, they just have small balls. I think that's the only explanation.

    Mikhail Aleshin on drivers who are too scared to run the Indy 500, May 16th 2017

  • And here comes Max Crappis into the pits!

    Paul Page, Michigan '99

  • It was a tough day – really disappointing... I guess it was a good day in reality.

    Josef Newgarden on finishing 7th at the IMS Road Course, July 4th 2020

  • I'm 38. I'm a legit 38. I don't know how old you are, but I'm legit 38. March 3 1981.

    Ed Carpenter to Tony Kanaan on the suggestion that he was over 40, Gateway, August 24th 2019

  • I was going good but then I slipped in my own drool.

    Helio Castroneves on the return to road courses

  • From now on, Scheckter, when used as a verb, means, "To steal one's wireless internet access."

    Tony Kanaan's blog, May 2007

  • Whoever has got the big balls is going to go fast!

    Helio Castroneves

  • For a moment, all is right with the world - Danica Patrick is leading the Indianapolis 500.

    Adam Alexander, Indy 2005

  • This is just an excellent race and to be a part of the history, I'm really grateful for that.

    Roger Yasukawa, Indy 2007

  • I know a lot of people say that Iowa is in the middle of nowhere, but you know what, we get such a great crowd and they're so enthusiastic. As a driver you could put me in paradise, but if there's nobody in the grandstands then it's not good racing.

    Dan Wheldon on Iowa Speedway, June 2009

  • I think this is something that will really change the complexion of the sport for a long time to come, so this is big

    Jay Frye on the Aeroscreen, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, October 2nd 2019

  • Who is the buff guy in blue with the big #Schnozolla?

    Chip Ganassi on Tony Kanaan's Family Feud appearance, via Twitter, July 26th 2016

  • I'm the happiest guy on earth right now!

    Rinus VeeKay on finishing 5th at the IMS Road Course, July 4th 2020

  • I never would've had my opportunity to race at Indy if it weren't for Tony George and the IRL.

    Tony Stewart, May 2007

  • It was a very good test in terms of outright speed, but I did destroy a car the first day.

    Dan Wheldon, Homestead test 2007

  • It's just crazy. If I never won another pole, I wouldn't care. Almost.

    James Hinchcliffe on winning the pole for the 100th Indy 500, May 22nd 2016

  • You don't get too many times like that at the Indy 500 where you're out there and you have a chance to win the race right in front of everybody on the last lap.

    Sam Hornish Jr, Indy 2006

  • Less than a mile an hour and I'm on pole. It's tough. It's IndyCar. It's why we love it.

    Scott McLaughlan on qualifying at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 22nd 2023, via Speed Street

  • Howard and me set the first and third fastest times of the day, and we both got beaten to grid slot 33 by a kid in Methodist Hospital with a smoking wreck of a car. The magic of Indy, huh?

    Paul Tracy, Indy Bump Day 2010

  • Going into Texas with four wheels on the car is pretty exciting!

    Sarah Fisher after the 2009 Indianapolis 500

  • At 220mph friendship, risk and victory become extremely volatile.

    Dan Wheldon

  • Why do you think there are so many skid marks? It's not because it's a lovely corner.

    John Andretti, Indy 2010

  • The race that made the IRL famous!

    Eddie Gossage on the Bombardier Lear Jet 500, May 2009

  • I was frustrated since Motegi and wanted to prove a point. When you're in a competitive package, you can't let points slip. I can eat breakfast tomorrow morning now instead of stabbing my fork into the table.

    Dan Wheldon, Kansas 2007

  • The worst thing about crashing A.J.'s car twice in two days is you still have to go to dinner with him. And he makes you buy, and then he eats your bowl of ice cream, too.

    Billy Boat

  • ...if everyone agrees on a spec kit, IndyCar needs to really use the chance to get something that looks good, doesn't have all this winglet crap stuck all over it, and doesn't create all this dirty air.

    Will Power on aerokits, motorsport.com, May 4th 2016

  • Someone asked me if I win the Indy 500 if I'd still retire? I'd still retire. What better way to go out?

    Danica Patrick on her final race, racing.ap.org, March 7th 2018

  • I don't want to take a defeatist attitude here but it's going to be ugly. If IndyCar goes the domed skid route, we're going to be taking a knife to a gunfight.

    Sam Schmidt on Chevy's advantage with domed skids, Racer.com, April 7th 2016

  • Whether you're a fan in turn 1 or turn 4, it doesn't matter what position you have. We all make the Indianapolis 500 what it is.

    Josef Newgarden on The Indy 500, June 2023, via Twitter

  • Some of the drivers roll out this 'safety' word, and suddenly it ties everybody's hands. But those arguments make no sense anyway. Remove downforce and you actually improve safety

    Rick Mears on downforce, Motorsport.com, October 28th 2015

  • No way. That's the best part about our cars, no power steering, high aero, get it done.

    Scott McLaughlin on adding power steering, via Twitter, April 26th 2021

  • I've never been so happy to be in last place.

    Ryan Hunter Reay, Indy 500 Bump Day 2009

  • I didn't leave. I was terminated.

    Sebastien Bourdais on the flip side of the Coyne, NBCSports.com, November 22nd 2019

  • Well, the elephant in the room is the aero kits.

    Marco Andretti on why the Honda teams were struggling, Barber, April 27th 2015

  • Helio lives for this. This is his passion. He loves Indy.

    Simon Pagenaud, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 15th 2018

  • We are trying to fix them but when you start behind the eight ball like last year you are playing catch-up and you will continue to play catch-up until we get rid of these stupid kits!

    Michael Andretti on aerokits, Autosport.com, 15th April 2016

  • I'd have finished my career very disappointed had I not won the Indy 500. It's an amazing feeling and an amazing event.

    Will Power on winning the 102nd Indy 500, racer.com, August 7th 2018

  • I hope all the fans out there were as excited about that race as I am. It was awesome doing so much passing. Racing can't get any better!

    Graham Rahal on the Kentucky 300, August 2009

  • The wall came too close and too quickly.

    Fernando Alonso after crashing in practice, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 15th 2019

  • Having a pulse should make you want to attend the 500.

    James Hinchcliffe on what should make you want to attend the 500, via Twitter, April 2012

  • It takes a lot of guts to expose yourself in front of millions of people, in front of all the media, in front of all your peers. If somebody came to me and said, "Hey, you want to run Texas in an IRL car," I'd say, "Hell, no. I don't want to get embarrassed." She's doing that. I have a lot of respect for that.

    Jeff Burton on Danica Patrick, June 2010

Driver Performance data for James Jakes

2015 Season

2013 Season

2012 Season

2011 Season